Executive Officers 2017-2018
Dr. Linda Perkel |
President |
Allen Rosen |
Vice President |
Phyllis Bentley |
Treasurer |
Lenore Foster |
Recording Secretary |
Dr. Paul Vanek
Immediate Past President |
Board of Trustees
Cya Ashley, Sam Gess, Barbara Gittleman, David Monoson, Debbie Lavine, and Sid Williams
Committee Chairs
Barbara Gittleman | Membership Chair |
Sam Gess | Fundraising Chair |
Debbie Lavine |
Calendar Chair |
Publicity Chair | |
Cya Ashley | Ritual Chair |
David Monoson | Security Chair |
Phyllis Bentley | Social Events Chair |
Marilyn Rosen |
Chai Lites, Caring Committee |
Marilyn & Allen Rosen, Esther Roberts |
Librarians |
Michael Thorz |
Brotherhood President |
Bonnie Cooper |
Sisterhood President |
Bonnie Cooper |
Webmaster |
Rabbi Phillip Bentley | Senior Scholar |
Judie Cohen | Congregational Nurse |
Susan LaRue |
Office Manager |
Iris Vanek, Dr. Paul Vanek, Marshall Warshauer |
URJ Representatives |
The Community of Agudas Israel
A message from our president, Dr. Linda Perkel
Agudas Israel Congregation is a vibrant community, small, but infused with committed and energized members. We are able to accomplish amazing things, supporting the greater community while learning, socializing and praying together. The temple has been in existence for 92 years. Its mission to serve as a place of holiness and sanctuary for the Jewish residents of Hendersonville has remained true.
If you choose to join us you will experience the warmth and friendliness of those who welcome you. This is a community that seeks to celebrate with you during the good times and support you during those that are not so good.
We are proud of our Temple . We are proud of our community. We would love to welcome you.